You know you're growing up when you make a wish list of kitchen appliances and accessories. As you have seen from some of my recent posts, I am getting more and more creative in the kitchen. I'd love to be able to be like Meryl Streep in It's Complicated just be able to whip up some chocolate croissants on a whim. My kitchen started with a pink George Foreman grill about 5 years ago and has grown since then but I'm still missing a few things to really start cooking more. You'd be surprised how much fashion is involved in the kitchen but we all buy gadgets and appliances based on aesthetic and color. Here's my wish list:
Le Cruseut enameled cast iron cookware is everything you need to be like Julia Child. Choosing your color might take some time but choosing a contrasting color to your kitchen scheme is half the fun.
I am a huge advocate of freshly grated cheese. It might not only be cheaper but tastes so much better than pre-packaged. These grate and store tins are brilliant and saves some time in clean-up.
Being from the Pacific Northwest I grew up on great seafood. Now stuck in the desert I thrive for some great steamed mussels or clams. The built in strainer makes it easy to drain the juice to dip bread.
I sadly just ran out of my last bottle of olive oil that I purchased on my last trip to Italy. These would be great to help oil last and use sparingly on salads. I'm a sucker for a good kitchen gadget.
Last listed but at the top of my list! What every baker needs. I can't wait till I can put away my pink hand mixer and move on to the Kitchen Aid stand mixer. Choosing a color really is the hardest part of this kitchen appliance because it will last you for years. Can you live with a kelly green mixer in your kitchen for 30 years? My parents have done so with a pistachio color (hey, it was the "it" color back when.)
This is def one of my fav posts B!!! I can completely relate to having an obsession with kitchen gadgets. In fact, those grater containers are already on their way in the mail! Thanks B!
Love, L
i LOVE my KitchenAid stand mixer. Its yellow! Do you drink tea? If so, you should check out the pretty kettles that go with the Le Cruset set you have listed above! I own one and love it. (also in yellow. predictable, i know.)
I don't drink tea but I might have to start so I can have the whole matching collection! Thanks for the tip. xoxo B
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