It has been three days I have been in Seattle thus far and yesterday was my first time working away from my home office. Also known as my living room floor as seen
here. I have started mentaling making up a wish list for the ultimate home office that holds the necessities to get through the daily work routine.
Apple LED Cinema display. My macbook and I go way back but this would make my life (and eyes) so much easier.
Organized bookshelves. Notice I didn't just put bookshelf. I want clean, stream lined bookshelves that look pretty and can be used as art. While holding all my favorite books.
Nespresso single serve espresso and foam machine
. I love Starbucks. I love independent coffee shops. But if I could get my latte before brushing my hair it'd be a miracle.

A sturdy desk. For as long as I remember I have done work at a desk. I always just used it for crafts or a junk holder. So I sold it. Less than a year later, I started blogging. Now, I could use a desk for when I'm over my living room floor.