The week has long but Friday is almost here. I've spent most of the week in bed recooperating from being sick which has limited my productivity. But thankfully I have been able to curl up with my laptop when I managed to feel better. Just thought I'd share today some things I currently I love that have made me feel better this week, hope you enjoy too.
{Cate eye sunglasses, the next item on my want list} | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
{the iPad2, did you read the announcement? I want it. And that trick cover.} |
{neon home decor. I feel a neon door coming to my house soon.} |
{swiss family robinson tree house. this movie still entertains me every step of the way. and i want a tree house} |
Images via Engadget, weheartit pinterest and flickr
1 comment:
I adore that chalkboard over that pink shelf. Must. Have.
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