With my large nail collection you'd be surprised at how long it took me to try this but finding the perfect colors was a stretch. I had tried before but wasn't satisfied with the colors chosen. When preparing for this blog post I first tried out polishes in violet hues but didn't find them working. I realized my second largest color family in my collection as of lately were oranges so I used the scotch tape trick (shown here) and found the right color gradation for my nails.
If you have a large collection like I do then you can probably achieve this look with going through your polishes and trying which one works. You could also go to the beauty supply store and buy five new polishes that gradate in color but the cheap easy trick if needed is to mix white polish with the previous nail color. I was missing a very light orange so i opted for a white nail instead but if you wanted it true orange you would mix the ring nail color with white. Just like art class in elementary school!
I love the colors you used, especially My Back Pocket, I'm going to have to order that one!
Come by and my L'Artisan Parfumeur giveaway if you like!
I've juste discoverd your blog and i love it!
i'm gonna try it love orange color !
( ombre means shadow :s but it's still hot!)
I've just discover your blog !
I've been surfing through it for 45 mins now... !
I loooove your DIY your are so original. Keep the good work please, I really love it !
By the way, "T'as le look coco" was right: ombre means shadow. Gradation would be "dégradé". Just like that (I'm french so I figured I should point out... !lol)
Love your blog !
love this look - the way I do it is to pick one main color, then adjust it with one or two drops of either white or black polish to make the darker and lighter shades (mix it with a toothpick in little plastic cups). that way you are guaranteed matching color. use cheaper polish though so you don't waste all the good stuff!
Ombre means shadow and not variation...
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