Wednesday, June 08, 2011

B Sorted: No closet solution

All my clothes are still stored in boxes as I try to find temporary solutions to organize them making dressing a bit easier. I love this idea of a rolling rack closet and how chic it was made to fit the room. I think I'll have to choose my items carefully and store others that won't be worn currently to make this look seem clean and efficient. Even if you had a full closet you can still use this unique storing solution because I am sure many of us are out growing our closets.

Image source


Nicole Marie said...

i wish i could do that and keep it organized. there's a reason my closet need a door on it :)

Natalie Perez said...

I've always wanted to do this but i am way too disorganized haha

Sara said...

I don't have a closet yet after two years I bought my house!
I use the same solution, but now the number of dresses is grow up and I need a tall and large closet! :)

libby said...

i wish i could do this! unfortunately my bedroom is too small... and so is my mini walk-in closet.

Dana said...

I used a rolling rack in a dorm that was so small it didn't even have a closet (it was a rough year to say the least) and it worked fantastically. I added a canvas hanging compartment thing (as eloquently as I can describe it) that added a lot of storage space, not just for un-hangables like skirts and shirts, but for perfume, makeup, and other stuff that usually would sit on a dresser (oh yeah, didn't have one of those either.)

(also, just started reading your blog and I'm in love! I went through the entire thing at work the other day which may not have been what my boss wanted me to do, but I had a great time.)

Lesley said...

I have a clothing rack in my room and I couldn't survive without it. It forces me to hang things up and keep things organized!!!

Glad your drive went well!

- Lesley

Lucía said...

That's a pretty good idea ;)

Lexi said...

Those rolling racks are all over my pinterest; I just love them!

xox Lexi
Glitter & Pearls

LCourtney said...

Where is the original photo from? I'd love to see more images from the room. Thanks!

Apt. #34 said...

that would make me so much more disciplined about my wardrobe!

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