I quickly fell in love with the color over the next few days and went back to purchase the polish for my collection. Though after a four day wear (that's ages in terms of me wearing nail color) I needed a change but didn't want to stop wearing the purple I fell so deeply in love with. While the ring finger manicure is a great way to pair nail colors, I wasn't satisfied with giving this color just one nail so I opted for the two middle surrounded by a neutral dark blue (OPI's Road House Blue
The combination was unexpected and one of my favorite nail pairings I've tried. What are your favorite nail color pairs? If you're wearing them tweet or post a picture to my facebook page to share and possibly give me inspiration for my next manicure!
I'm loving Julep. Have you signed up to be a Julep Maven? It's pretty awesome. http://www.julep.com/AP.aspx?ID=XX&EID=14672134
I love it! Very chic pairing of colors. What do you think of doing this as a pedicure too? Would it be a little too weird on the toes?
F.ashion A.rt M.usic I. Love. You.
Raheli. Art. Blog
Love! Totally going to recreate this when I get home!
Come by and enter my Monica Rose jewelry giveaway if you like:
just click here
Hi girl! I'm Virginia, I'm italian and i follow ur blog for a couple of months.. i've seen u've been in italy! Florence is wonderful.. btw i don't know if u've noticed in italy a store called kiko: there are tons of nail polish there which actually are cheap and nice!Hope u enjoy! Have a nice day and keep blogging! :D http://www.kikocosmetics.com/eshop/it/product/-/productdetail/nail-lacquer/KM00401001/915504?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc_annuncio&utm_content=retargeting_loggati&utm_campaign=25-05-11&gclid=CPql1qLA66oCFQR5fAodWSUyOg
Nice color combination
What's the deal with Julep? Jane Park e-mailed me and called me on Friday 8/19 about my issues with Julep Maven. Asked me to call her back. I returned her call 1/2 hour later - Heard back from her 2 days later...she said she would call me when she got back fom her trip on Monday...well it is 8 days later and I have not heard a word. How do they expect to stay in business if this is how they treat their customers?? I once praised you..now I will have to repost the above information on the blogs, vlogs and boards where I touted the program.
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